Saturday, June 5, 2010


Before I begin, I must say that I love this blog. I get to free-write and it doesn't have to make sense. I hope it make sense in the end.

Run. defines this word with the following: "to go quickly by moving the legs more rapidly than at a walk and in such a manner that for an instant in each step all or both feet are off the ground".

Due to the circumstances, I'm gonna just say what's on my mind, without all the fluff that I like to write with. We, whether you believe in Jesus or not, no longer have time to walk around and do that things we do. We must begin to run. Not to say that we need to hurry. No that's not what I'm saying at all. However, what I'm implying is that we need to understand that (feeding off the definition above) we need to start running because we need to prepare for flight. The definition above says that when you run, you move your legs in such a manner that all or both feet are off the ground. We need to sore to new heights and this cannot be accomplished by walking.

Now to a more spiritual note. The Bible talks about running the race set before us. We are to, like an athlete, discipline our bodies into subjection. All the Christian race is one where anyone that runs wins a crown, we need to start running as if our lives depended on it; as if we need to win first place to win the prize. I wish I were able to put what I'm abstractly thinking into the right words.

We don't have time to look at the beautiful scenery while we run. We don't have time to pick the flowers and take quiet strolls by the river. We don't have time to stop and check out the guy/girl sitting next to you. We only have time to run. Our energies should be completely focused on running. And the amazing part about the Christian race is that you will find people running with you. So if you're looking for a wife and you don't know where to look, just run and you'll see the others that are running alongside you.

This was a very inadequate attempt to share the ramblings on my brain. However, if there is one thing I have learned, it is that running is usually your best defense (unless God tell you otherwise).

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