Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Drawing the Line

So it is possible that this is going to be one of the my most confusing, inconclusive posts ever. I have difficulties drawing lines, whether it be social lines or moral lines. Well... Let's begin shall we.

When I think of drawing lines, my mind goes to balance more than it goes to separation. When I picture the line that I'm drawing, I see a scale that says 0% - 100% on one side and 100% - 0% on the other. Drawing a line on this scale shows how much I lean to either side.

A few examples:
1) When in a relationship (nothing above the friend line), some guys find themselves flirting with anything in a skirt. With no real intention for friendship or more than friendship, they flirt just because they can. I believe their line has been blurred.

2) Many Christians believe that anything that is even associated with the Devil should be shunned. Other Christians and non-Christians believe that they can partake of things associated with the Devil, as long as their own beliefs are not affected. So where do you draw the line?

I don't know where to draw the lines in my life. Lately, I've heard a lot of talk about demonic forces influencing the music industry. I remember making a comment about Christians and how they shouldn't associate themselves, nor partake, nor encourage/support others who choose Satan-led lifestyles. However, you never know which artists are accepting these influences. That's one side. Another side of the story is the fact that some songs by some artists are so beautiful, inspiring, and powerful. Even though they may have been influenced by the Devil (and I'm not saying that every secular artist is Satan-inspired), the joy/comfort I personally receive seems to outweigh the negative. Also, some people believe that to be isolated from what's going on in the world, as far as music is concerned, is absolutely WRONG! My dilemma (and where I find it difficult to draw my line) is "What should I or shouldn't I listen to? Where do I draw the line?"

That's all for now. Maybe I'll do a part 2.

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