Monday, May 30, 2011


God takes some sunshine and adds some rain
and puts them together in His own special way
and "What does He get"? "I know... It's a rainbow".
Takes the prettiest colors that could ever be
And paints the heavens for us to see
and "What does He get"? "I know... It's a rainbow".

It's hard to imagine these colors so bright
Came out of a sky filled with thunder and lightning
But God has the power to take something frightening
And turn it into a beautiful sight

God takes the darkness of a stormy day
And lights up the world with a dazzling display
and "What do we get"? "I know... It's a rainbow".
God's keeping His promise when He gives us this sign
Of His unending love for all mankind
and "What do we get"? "I know... It's a rainbow".

It's hard to imagine these colors so bright
Came out of a sky filled with thunder and lightning
But God has the power to take something frightening
And turn it into a beautiful sight.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


So... what is a flashback? I think (just from the top of my head) that it's a glimpse of scenes/events from the past. I had a flashback the other day. And you know what surprised me? I am the same person 6 years ago that I am today. All the rough times I've had and all the disappointments; all the lessons I should have learned have come and gone and now 6 years later I am the same person. I think this is very unfortunate. The same issues I had then, I have now; the same propensities, stressors, insecurities, and weaknesses I had then, I have now. FML!!!!!!