Friday, June 3, 2011

Fourplay by Da' T.R.U.T.H.

Stay away from them fly girls, Shorts up to their thigh girls
Lookin like cowgirls, makin’ your eyes twirl
I know their lips drip like honey, but their promiscuous
I recommend you keep your ears from the vicious lips
To my sisters stay away from them fly misters
Don’t be deceived by the way they got riches
God’s richer, God’s wit cha
I know sex seems like a big deal, but God’s bigger
God’s bigger yall

Monday, May 30, 2011


God takes some sunshine and adds some rain
and puts them together in His own special way
and "What does He get"? "I know... It's a rainbow".
Takes the prettiest colors that could ever be
And paints the heavens for us to see
and "What does He get"? "I know... It's a rainbow".

It's hard to imagine these colors so bright
Came out of a sky filled with thunder and lightning
But God has the power to take something frightening
And turn it into a beautiful sight

God takes the darkness of a stormy day
And lights up the world with a dazzling display
and "What do we get"? "I know... It's a rainbow".
God's keeping His promise when He gives us this sign
Of His unending love for all mankind
and "What do we get"? "I know... It's a rainbow".

It's hard to imagine these colors so bright
Came out of a sky filled with thunder and lightning
But God has the power to take something frightening
And turn it into a beautiful sight.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


So... what is a flashback? I think (just from the top of my head) that it's a glimpse of scenes/events from the past. I had a flashback the other day. And you know what surprised me? I am the same person 6 years ago that I am today. All the rough times I've had and all the disappointments; all the lessons I should have learned have come and gone and now 6 years later I am the same person. I think this is very unfortunate. The same issues I had then, I have now; the same propensities, stressors, insecurities, and weaknesses I had then, I have now. FML!!!!!!