Monday, July 12, 2010


So... Been a while. I'm gonna attempt to say what's on my heart, even though I don't really know how it will come out. I was thinking about writing the lyrics to the song "Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely", but the words never really appealed to me. I might write a poem or just some words. We'll see.

So time and space have a place where they can reminisce about the times when they were just babies. Mother, father, sister, and brother all have a place where they can just be a family. (okay i'm done with this poem thing. not really feelin' it.)

So I'm feeling all alone. And yeah I have friends who love me and care for me, but I still feel lonely. That type of lonely you feel when you're around lots of people and still feel like you're the only person in the room. Then when someone comes over and asks you how you are (because they can obviously see the sadness on your face), you laugh it off and say that you're fine. Or you say that you'll be okay and say pray for me or something.

I just participated in a wedding and the family atmosphere present was so strong that I felt like I was part of the family. I felt the warmth and everything. So now I'm sitting here at my computer trying to make sense of the fact that I have a host of people who care for me and I still feel alone. I started feeling this way today. Some of the bridal party had brunch at The Lawrence's house. People slowly started to leave and I felt more and more alone. On the way back, I felt so alone.

I started talking to God about it and felt Him telling me that I need to include Him in my life. I don't really include Him. That might be it. I feel like I'm searching so hard for something to do that I can't even do the things that I need to do. I don't know what to say anymore. I just hope that this is a phase and that I don't feel like this for the rest of this week. I need motivation. I'm so alone.